Pinnacle provides complete Payroll Services that ensure prompt, accurate and compliant payroll functions, saving employers time and money. In conjunction with our DNet by Pinnacle, Pinnacle's Payroll Services offer comprehensive administrative maintenance and employer/employee access to professionally maintained records.
Pinnacle Payroll Services adhere to federal, state and local regulations throughout the United States. Payroll Administration includes the management of all other payroll-related paperwork, such as W-2s, W-4s, payroll tax withholding, and payroll tax reporting.
Payroll Submission Options:
- Online via DNet by Pinnacle.
- Email.
- Facsimile.
- Automated Time & Attendance Management solutions.
Payroll Services:
- Paycheck generation, printing and distribution.
- Electronic Direct Deposit and Pay Card options.
- Management of payroll tax deposits.
- Custom and standard payroll reports, including job cost and management reports
- Federal, state, and local tax filings and reporting.
- Management of employee deductions: credit unions, child support, federal and state garnishments.
- Year-end tax documentation.
- W2, 1099 and check printing.
- DNet by Pinnacle allows for online payroll submission, time management solutions, electronic access to pay statements and check stub reprints.
- Electronic payroll option FSV PayCard.