
Welcome to Pinnacle, your full-service administration resource for your Team Members! Pinnacle supports you through our comprehensive approach to payroll, human resources, employee benefits, and workers compensation insurance. Pinnacle has been endorsed by Sport Clips for more than 15 years!
Pinnacle provides comprehensive employer-related business services that encompass Human Resources, Payroll, Employee Benefits and Benefits Administration, Risk and Safety Management, Tax and Compliance, and Time & Attendance Management so that employers can focus on core business activities instead of administrative tasks. Pinnacle's consolidation of these services assures consistent and accurate facilitation and record keeping, for much less than it would cost to hire specialized staff or to contract these services individually.
All Pinnacle Services can be customized to meet your specific needs. From small, independently owned businesses to large corporations, Pinnacle provides cost-effective, accurate administrative support that saves employers time, money and the tedious sorting through of complex rules and regulations.
DNet by Pinnacle

In addition to offering cost-effective traditional Payroll, Professional Employer Organization (PEO) and Human Resources Organization (HRO) support, Pinnacle makes available to its clients a convenient online service, DNet by Pinnacle. This efficient, streamlined system allows both employees and employers to access account information, and stay in communication with Pinnacle account managers.
Employers can submit time sheets and payroll information, add or terminate employees, retrieve management reports, administer performance reviews and more using our Self-Service module.
Employees can access their personal information online, providing 24-hour access to payroll, benefits, scheduling, and other records and tools. Our Self-Service Module makes it easy for employees to reprint check stubs or W-2's, make changes to personal data, add or delete benefits, check claims status and more.
For more detailed information, see the Self-Service options for the Pinnacle Services outlined throughout the site.