Want an affordable medical plan? Pinnacle has added another medical plan option. Pinnacle’s new plan is called the Apex MEC. MEC stands for Minimum Essential Coverage. This is the minimum amount of […]
Pinnacle offers a national 401(k) retirement plan with no administrative cost to the owner of the business. Pinnacle coordinates the administration and assists in the set up. Why Offer 401(k)? It is […]
PRIVATE PARTY FOR PINNACLE CLIENTS Sunday, April 7th, 8:15 pm to 11:59 pm at Join us for an awesome time at Senor Frogs, which is in front of The Treasure Island casino. […]
SCI has new online software called ProfitKeeper. Team Leaders will be uploading their store financials from the Team Leaders’ own accounting software to the ProfitKeeper online software. TL’s will use ProfitKeeper to […]