Why Have Job Descriptions?
March 30, 2022
Pinnacle’s Party at the Huddle!
March 30, 2022Your employees can update their personal information directly in DNet. Below is a list of information they can update:
- Physical Address (this one is important for employees to keep updated for when we mail W-2s)
- Phone Number
- Marital Status
- Last Name
Below are the steps for your employees to follow to update any of their personal information.
- To update your personal information, select the following options on your Main Menu on the left of your dashboard:
My Info > Info - This will take you to your Employee Profile. Here, you may update any of your personal information, except the fields highlighted in grey. Some of the personal information you may update are your address and email. Once you’ve entered the updated information, you may click the ‘Save’ button on the bottom right to save all changes.
- Please take a moment to read this month’s Pinnacle’s Party at the Huddle! and Why Have Job Descriptions? articles, these blog articles are a great source of information.
- Download this article for distribution and printing here. All our Blogs can be viewed here.