More PPP Loans Now Available
January 26, 2021
Mandating or Incentivizing Vaccines
March 24, 2021Pinnacle has now mailed the 2020 W2’s to the last home address in our systems. If you have not received your W2 in the mail, give it a few extra days because of expected delays from USPS. It’s also possible that you moved and your W2 went to your old address, so that will take a week or two for forwarding by USPS.
Have you tried printing your own W2 online? Pinnacle has the DNet online portal which is easy to use and shows your current address and other information. You can print W2’s or pay stubs there.
Use this updated URL to access the DNet portal: https://d15.darwinet.com/410D2/.
If you need assistance with DNet, call Bert at (210) 344-2088 or email to humbertomacias@pinnaclepeo.com
If you want to order a W2 reprint manually, you must use this form:
Complete it, and email it to: W2update@pinnaclepeo.com
Here are some tips on using DNet:
How-to-Retrieve-Your-DNet-Account W2_Reprint_Request_Form How-to-Access-Your-W2_2020- Please take a moment to read this month’s More PPP Loans Now Available and Improving Your Recruitment Plan articles, these blog articles are a great source of information.
- Download this article for distribution and printing here. All our Blogs can be viewed here.