Pinnacle Support Services, a Partner in Growing Your Business
November 28, 2017
The Download Zone
January 7, 2018Many of us spend a significant portion of our time at work. So it is just as important to think about your personal safety in the workplace as it is at home. Common-sense prevention skills can make the workday safer for everyone.
When dealing with the general public, personal safety risks in the workplace take many forms, from dealing with argumentative people, the use of profanity, sexual harassment, physical threats or even robbery. Following these simple precautions can help you and your Team Members from becoming a statistic.
- Be alert to clients and others who enter the store. Make eye contact with everyone who enters. It may be your first instinct to lower your gaze when an individual makes you feel uncomfortable, but looking someone straight in the face is a better option. Eye contact may scare off potential attackers as it shows you are confident and you would be able to identify them.
- Be discreet about your conversations in the store. Don’t advertise your social life or vacation plans and those of your fellow Team Members to clients and strangers. You can create a friendly environment without revealing personal information that can make you vulnerable.
- Do not over share on social media. People have a tendency to post pictures, “check in” and post about events throughout their day. Too many details about where you are and what you are doing can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
- If a client makes you feel uncomfortable by what they say or do, ask them to stop. In many cases, the client may not be aware that their behavior is inappropriate. You can still be polite, but just let them know that their actions make you feel uncomfortable and you would like them to please not continue to behave in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
- Don’t walk to your car alone. Create a buddy system for walking to parking lots or public transportation. If security is available, ask them to escort you to your car. Park in well lit areas. If you notice strangers hanging around the parking lot, notify security or the police. When you approach your car, have your keys ready and lock the door as soon as you get in.
- Keep your valuables out of site from the clients and your co-workers. Your purse, keys and wallet should be kept in a locked locker.
- Enable a remote deleting capability for your smart phone. If it is stolen, you want to make sure your sensitive information is wiped out.
- Women have great instincts and should trust their intuition at all times. You can sense if something is not right and may be able to call the police before a situation gets dangerous.
- Communicate with your Manager and/or Team Leader when situations arise that could lead to personal safety issues in or around the store.
- Have a plan. Personal safety in the workplace greatly depends on your own awareness of potential threats and risk. Having a plan means that you are conscious of the steps you can take to ensure you and your Team Member’s personal safety.
For more safety tips or assistance with creating a personal safety plan, contact Pinnacle’s Human Resources team at HR@pinnaclepeo.com
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