LifeMart Discount Program is Free
LifeMart Discount Program is Free!
September 28, 2021
Solving Conflicts at Work (Part 2)
October 20, 2021
LifeMart Discount Program is Free
LifeMart Discount Program is Free!
September 28, 2021
Solving Conflicts at Work (Part 2)
October 20, 2021
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DNet—News Feature

Take advantage of DNet’s News feature to share important news, events, trainings, websites, documents, forms, or images with your employees. News bulletins will be posted on your employees’ DNet Dashboard.  When you use DNet’s News feature you will be able to do all of the following:

  1. Select the date range for which the news posting will be shown on your employees’ dashboard
  2. Select to post the news on all or certain employees’ dashboard
  3. Select to post the news on only Client level accounts
  4. Add hyperlinks for employees to access specific websites
  5. Add attachments to your new posting, such as:
    • Images
    • Documents
    • Forms

To access this feature, simply select the following options on your main menu:

  • Company > Tools > News.

The possibilities for this feature are endless!