3 Things to Prevent Turnover During Your Busiest Season.
August 29, 2017
FSV Payroll Card
September 26, 2017Just months after the release of the updated Employment Eligibility Verification, Form I-9, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services released a newly revised version of the form on July 17. Pinnacle has already distributed the newly revised version, so please update your paperwork to reflect the new form. Employers should start using this new form (with the 7/17/2017 date in the bottom left corner of each page) immediately as we will not be able to accept the form with the 11/14/2016 date after September 17, 2017.
At first glance, the changes may not be noticeable on the new Form I-9, but we have outlined them below.
Revisions to the Form I-9 instructions:
- The name of the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices changed to its new name, Immigrant and Employee Rights Section.
- Instructions read differently now as the words “the end of” from the phrase “the first day of employment” were removed.
Revisions related to the List of Acceptable Documents on Form I-9:
- Added the Consular Report of Birth Abroad (Form FS-240) to List C. Employers completing Form I-9 on a computer will now be able to select Form FS-240 from the drop-down menus available in List C of Section 2 and Section 3. E-Verify users will also be able to choose Form FS-240 when creating a case for an employee who has presented this document for Form I-9.
- Combined all the certifications of the report of birth issued by the Department of State (Form FS-545, Form DS-1350, and Form FS-240) into selection C#2 in List C.
- Renumbered all List C documents except the Social Security card. For example, the employment authorization document issued by the Department of Homeland Security on List C will change from List C #8 to List C #7.
Pinnacle HR experts are here to assist you with compliance, which includes all aspects of the Form I-9. If you have questions, please contact our HR department at HR@pinnaclepeo.com
- Please take a moment to read our 3 Things to Prevent Turnover During Your Busiest Season and Stylists Losing Paychecks feature articles, these blog articles are a great source of information.
- All our Blogs can be viewed here.